

I have just installed a ClariSea on my new tank and the alarm is going off, why is this?



The most common reason for the alarm in this situation is that the time between starting the unit and the water level reaching the float switch is too long and the smart controller thinks you have run out of paper and is overflowing the end of the roll. This is due to the water being clean and free of debris so there little to block the filter roll. In this case you will usually see that the water level inside the body has not reached the float activation point.

The best thing to do is reset the alarm by pressing the alarm button for 5-7 seconds but do not wind it on at all so that the paper can block and the level can rise. Once the water level has initally reached the float switch the unit should behave normally. Increasing the water flow rate through the unit, or sitting it lower in the water can also help during this time.
We would also suggest that you check the following points,
  • The clarisea has be consructed properly so that water cannot escape through the sides.
  • The fleece is rolling straight and flat against the white perforated plates, covering the holes.
  • The bypass flap at the bottom of the unit is closed.
  • The float switch is installed correctly and in its lowest position.